Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Country Wife

Ooh , I'm running short of time, so I'll tide you over with this picture of Toby surrounded by gorgeous women, until I get a summary of the reviews up (which are gratifyingly positive).

It's not wrong for my eyes to get drawn inexorably to that bunch of grapes, is it?


jolande said...

Hi Penny,

I went to see "The Country Wife" last Saturday night, the opening moment is a little overwhelming for a Toby Stephens fan....

Friday night I saw "Present Laughter", I'll put a short review up soon on the AJ Diaries.


pennyforyourdreams said...

I know, apparently Mr. Stephens is, ahem, nude! Ooh er. And as I am a staunch Toby Stephens fan, it may well be far too much for me. I'm looking at my diary to see if I can get a day free to see "The Country Wife", but it's not looking too likely at the moment, alas! :(

What did you think of the play?

And I'm looking forward to hearing about "Present Laughter". How lucky you were to meet Alex, injured foot or not!

Kind regards,


jolande said...

Yes, I got to see all of Mr. Stephens, but it was very discreet at the same time. I love the play, it was the subject for my thesis... I liked Toby in it, I liked the pace and most of the design and the colours. I wasn't too sure about the way the Pinchwifes were played, but I liked Harcourt and Alithea. The grapes were good, the picture you have sort of indicates...

I must confess, as an Alex Jennings fan, I did prefer "Present Laughter", it was a little more subtle in every way. It was very funny, very well acted, and I liked the set. Never mind the reviews... I think you will enjoy it in November.
